Re: Do I have to buy expansion packs? The Sims 4 is the base game, if you want you can add the expansion packs, stuff packs and game packs. Do you have to pay for Sims 4 expansion packs? You can also do this from the Origin client. To grab your free copy of The Sims 4, head over to Origin, log in and claim the game. Typically, the only way to unlock a new area in The Sims 4 is with the purchase of a Game Pack or Expansion Pack. How do you get Sims 4 expansion packs for free?
What was the last Sims 2 expansion pack?. What expansion packs will The Sims 4 have?. What are the different types of Sims packs?.
What do you get with the Sims 4 bundles?. Are there any expansion packs for the Sims 4?. Which Sims 4 expansion pack is the best?. How much does The Sims 4 cost with all DLC 2021?. Do you have to pay for Sims 4 expansion packs?. How do you get Sims 4 expansion packs for free?. The game is free through Origin until May 28th, so claim a copy while you can. So, if you’re going to download this free copy of The Sims 4, proceed with caution, because there will be plenty of temptation to plop down some cash for all those expansions and DLC packs. Toss a bunch of Stuff Packs and Game Packs onto the pile and trying to collect all of the DLC for The Sims 4 quickly becomes an expensive endeavor. The Sims 4 has a not-insignificant six expansion packs, and that’s just the tip of the DLC iceberg. It’s not a bad strategy at all, especially when you consider just how much add-on content there is for The Sims 4 here in 2019. Electronic Arts is famous for releasing a ton of add-on content for each Sims game, so the publisher is very clearly trying to get some folks hooked with this promotion in the hopes that they’ll open their wallets to pay for more content. Of course, you’re only getting a copy of the base game with this giveaway, and like every entry that came before it, the base Sims 4 experience is only a small portion of all the content that’s out there. Though it’s the latest numbered entry in the series, The Sims 4 is closing in on its fifth birthday this year, so if you’ve managed to avoid the game’s siren song this long, it looks like your extreme patience is finally paying off. It’s been going strong since 2000, and with each release, it seems to get even more popular. At this point, you’d be hard-pressed to find a gamer who doesn’t know what The Sims franchise is.