QT's) DLLs, so please put me straight if I got that wrong. I don't know whether I'm deluding myself in thinking I can do away completely with (third-party, e.g. XpsLib is a small project controlling a stepper motor. SerialPortLib/qextserialport/release/Qt5ExtSerialPort1.lib /DELAYLOAD:XpsLib.dll ProcessingLib/release/ProcessingLib.lib. XpsLib/release/XpsLib.lib -L./SerialPortLib/qextserialport/release -lQt5ExtSerialPort1 /DELAYLOAD:XpsLib.dllĬONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS +=.

To address this the first, commented out, line is how I did things originally, whereas the second line is my attempt to fix things: #CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS +=. Now within gui_project.pro, I thought I could point to the. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." "The program can start because Qt5ExtSerialPort1.dll is missing from your computer. Now I can build the different projects successfully and generate the executable for the GUI (let's call it gui_project.exe), but when I try to run it I'm told I'm missing a DLL file: Now I'm trying through QT built static from source to generate a standalone executable - so hopefully just (let's say) gui_project.exe itself can be distributed without a small host of supporting DLL files. To distribute the GUI to any PC without QT, I've previously taken the executable that QT Creator generates and put it into a folder containing the relevant DLLs (such as Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Gui.dll, etc). At the moment, I've got a project with a QT-based GUI, which in turn relies upon a couple of library projects that use DLL files in turn.