If it looks the least bit suspicious (e.g., the sender name doesn't appear related to the actual email address), do not open it and don't move it to your Inbox.Hover over a message to see the sender's email address.Be careful about what you click on or open in the spam folder.Click on More, and then scroll down further.In the Webmail by Google web interface, in the left navigation column - label list, scroll to the bottom.(If you have the message open, you can also report it as spam by using the same button.) Click the Report spam button in the toolbar above your message list.Select the message you'd like to report.What tips do you have for Outlook users?.How do I create filters to automatically add emails to the whitelist or blacklist in the Webmail by Google web interface?.How do I block a message or add to it to the whitelist?.Spam-related Mail Frequently Asked Questions If there is no unsubscribe option, you can create a filter to delete it before it reaches your Inbox. Most legitimate newsletters offer an unsubscribe option. If you receive unwanted email such as a newsletter, be careful not to mark it as spam! For example, if too many users mark a newsletter, as spam, Google will consider it to be spam for everyone at , and it won't be delivered to the people who really want it. Managing spam using Google Apps and Webmail by Google:
Because "spammers" are constantly changing their methods and tactics, some spam can continue to reach your mailbox. All mail is matched against known spam and virus signatures and blocked from reaching user mailboxes if a match is made. This will move the email message to your inbox where it will be safe.NJIT uses Google Apps as a central spam service. If a real email message gets accidentally marked as spam, you can remove it from the spam folder by opening the message and clicking the "Not spam" button in the top menu bar. Then you can delete all the selected messages at once. You can save a little time by first selecting all of the spam messages with the "Select" button in the top menu bar. However, if you want to delete them yourself, simply select the message(s) and click the "Delete Forever" button in the top menu bar. If everything in the spam folder is actually spam, you can leave it alone and Gmail will delete the messages automatically in 30 days.

Simply click on the folder titled "Spam" on the left side of your Gmail screen to open your spam folder.

If you get an email in your inbox that is actually spam, you need to click the "Report Spam" button (looks like an exclamation mark inside a stop sign) in the top toolbar to move that message into your spam folder and to help teach Gmail to treat such messages as spam in the future.Įvery few days you should check your spam folder to make sure no important email messages have accidentally been identified as spam.